While Alex is downstairs covering our hull with epoxy, I'm sitting inside trying to work a bit. That's pretty much how our days looks like right now until we're ready to set off. He's in charge of the heavy, physical work and maintenance on the boat, while I'm keeping up this blog, dealing with partners, working on some other online projects and cooking for my man. We have found our perfect rhythm with this division and the must do's of the days goes by pretty easy with no hassle. Besides of when Alex gets into the galley (kitchen), blends the dangerous epoxy and watertite mixes by the zinc and want to mix it all in the same bowls that I use for the cooking! As we both are very temperamental and passionate people, we scream at each other for one and a half minute like we're ready to kill. But then it's all over. Fast and easy. I go back to my computer or cooking or whatever it might be and Alex gets out to finish his work. That's more or less the only type of drama we have in our lives at the moment. Don't you think we need to get out of here soon? To be too long time on land is no good for us! We're in need of other types of action!
That was not what I wanted to talk about though, but I wanted to share with you the ultimate BBQ marinade which will make you want to light your grill every single night. Simple and easy:
Taru's BBQ Marinade for wonderful steaks
Take a small bowl (make sure there's no epoxy residues!), mix all of these things together:
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of chinese soya
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
2 freshly pressed garlic cloves
1 tablespoon herbs of choice
1 teaspoon red-hot cayenne pepper or chili powder
salt, pepper.
Whisk it all together, pour it into a plastic bag. Trow in the meat, make sure the marinade gets all over the steaks. Tight the bag and leave it there for 1-4 hours -depending on how long time you got and then grill your steaks to perfection. Voila! You now got the best tasting steaks in town!
On the picture: Argentinean beef served with potato gratin and an apple, rucola and blue cheese salad.