There's still quite a long list of things to purchase for this tour and we're slowly checking off things on this as well. We took some hours off from the polishing today and went out shopping. Besides of finding more delicate bottles to the wine selection, and more to the collection of tea's, I finally found this sweet, little (length only 14 cm!) friend that I've been looking for, for quite some time now. I know that some of you might sigh now and wonder what the hell will she do with ironed clothes on the sea, but this I find a must have for those few days when arriving in beautiful harbors and in need to get dressed up. The same answer goes to the wonderings about why I would bring so much (not much, only ten pairs) high heels on the boat. Simply because a life afloat, doesn't limit us from getting off in land in beautiful locations and indulge in excellent restaurants or hotels, when there's time and space for it. And a women still needs to be a woman, even though she might live on a boat.
This is by the way one of the best Spanish wines I've ever came across and what we're stocking up the boat with. Or mostly me, I must say, cause even though Alex is a frenchman, he rarely drinks wine. He prefers the rum. Either way, we'd definitely need a couple of those delicious bottles of Mas La Plana's onboard. Try it, if you're anything like me and you enjoy a rich, elegant, well balanced and intensively characteristic red wine.
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