Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 2 crossing Morocco-Canaries

Hi there,

First I want to inform you that our SPOT tracker has stopped working for some odd reason and you should not freak out if you can't find ourprogress on the Spotwalla website. That machine have driven us crazyalready so we're thinking of getting rid of it for good. The thoughtof throwing it in the water is oh so tempting. Maybe I'll wait untilwe get into deeper waters so I know it will be gone down as far aspossible.

We are now around 120 NM from Rabat and we're on our 24th hour of sailing towards the Canaries.

The wind was light and made for a comfortable evening ride last night. We were wonderfully accompanied by a couple of dolphin families on two different occasions and I recorded a video with the amazing creatures which I will put up here for you to view once we're on land again. I would say that dolphins nowadays are as common to us as maybe ducks orcats are to most landlubbers, but nonetheless they still take our breath away when the graciously dance around our boat. Yesterday we also had the chance to witness them making another type of play that we haven't seen before, one where they jump straight up from the water and land hard on their sides one after another - whatever that trick is called. I have a bit of that show on the video as well. Shortly after the first dolphin appearance, we caught our first fish, or only fish so far, a 4-5 kilo bluefin tuna as shown on picture which we first enjoyed grilled in the night after sunset and today as a sushi lunch. Tasted like heaven, just like it always does when preparing fresh fish straight off the boat. The night sailing went pretty smoothly, we shifted watches after each two hour and around 9.30 am we were both upfor breakfast in the early morning rise. Our Sailomat windpilot works really good and we're glad to not have to use the electric autopilot as much as it's sucking down the batteries fast. Also we're glad thatthe wind has been pretty stable around 15-22 knots so that we do not have to run the engine at all. Now around 500 miles more to go and if we keep on like this we'll probably land on one of the islands on Saturday lunch or so. Ciao. /T

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