Back on track. I fell asleep after that philosophy session we had the other night and slept all those hours I missed in the last two weeks. Man, that was some good sleep. Although extremely rolly and bouncy (25 knots of wind here now for the last 15 hours). Alex woke me up today around lunch and said: "Baby, get up now, you're boring when you're sleeping - let's make some corned beef and pasta!" That must seriously have been the most hilarious thing I've ever heard in a similar kind of situation. Just woke up after dreaming of dinosaurs, this blog, christianity and all kinds of other strange stuff and when I wake up I see my man in front of me asking for corned beef. Ha!! It made my day and also it somehow made me realize, once again, how amusingly disturbed this world is with all its paradoxes. What to worry about when you have love and corned beef, eh?
Now 1359 nm left to Barbados. If we keep up with this tempo we will be there in no time. 135 nm made today and finally finally we're inside of that much longed for tradewind belt.
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