After questions about our camera equipment, training and fitness seem to be the most frequent subject of emails and inquiries we receive from you dear readers. Mostly it is other women who ask me: "how can you stay fit when living aboard a small sailboat?" or "please tell me your daily fitness routines?"
So to give you some hints on what works for me, I've listed the top five most important things that has been implemented into my everyday life. It might not be the right way to go for you, but it is no secret that my body is in its best shape ever, because of these following factors:
1. I don't drink much alcohol. Or at least far from how much I use to consume in my previous life. The life before Alex and the sea that is. It took me around one year to fully appreciate the fact that I had met a man who doesn't drink alcohol. Or let's say, a man who drinks alcohol only on very rare occasions, once per month at the max. I definitely thought it was quite boring in the beginning, who would I now go wild and crazy with? But after a while I realized how extremely good it was for me. Not only for my body, but also for my mind and my soul. Instead of waking up with a hang over 2-3 times per week, I am now able to use that energy for other, much more important things in life. And I guess you all know it, but you do definitely get a greater appetite for life in general, food, sex and basically everything when your body is feeling good and doesn't have to fight to burn toxins out of your system. My skin too, has gotten much better by decreasing my alcohol intake and my skin is a very tricky and sensitive chapter let me tell you. I used to drink 2-3 bottles of wine per week. Nowadays I drink only 2-3 glasses during the same time and this is the greatest reason why my body is responding so well to my minimal exercise efforts.
2. I am genuinely happy. I have much love in my life. And I try to surround myself only with what will bring joy into my life. This is such a cliché, but that is the truth. When you have cut off the things in life which bothers you, stresses you, makes your life only one step heavier than it is meant to be and you focus only on what really matters - your body will react in the same harmonic way that your mind. I can't enough talk about the importance of making yourself the happy and fulfilled person you want to become and I know that most people know what would or could make them happy, but few has the guts, the strength or the tools to fully apply it. Don't lie to me now, but I am absolutely convinced that you have a couple of things in life that really bothers and stresses you, right? Busy and stressful work, some annoying colleagues, an old friend that is in your life because it just is like that but you can barely stand him/her, annoying neighbors, narrow-minded people in your town etc etc. God knows how many fake, jealous, destructive and energy sucking people I have kicked out of my life in my past, just because I believe that is ones own duty to make sure that you stay happy and that you can put all of your energy on the things and the people who really deserves your time. People who makes you happy, who understands who you are and shows you the respect that you fully deserve = these are the only ones who should be able to get into your private sphere in life.
Health is the state of complete harmony and balance between your mind, your body and your spirit, and when your mind is constantly working against something that stresses you or something which doesn't make you genuinely happy, your body will automatically begin to defend this mood first. It is your body that carries the burden of your mind in the end, and if you are not in balance mentally, it is hard to achieve miracles with your body. One of my greatest advice both when it comes to exercise of your body and life in general, is that you really should try to do the best you can to make yourself a happy person. It is your human right to be a fulfilled, content and happy human being. You don't have to deal with people that disturbs you, sucks all of your energy, who are fake and abusive, or people who doesn't show you the respect you wish, there are other partners and friends to make. You don't have to let your body and mind suffer from a stressful and destructive carrier, there are other ways to go. You don't have to live in a society/city/community where people are narrow-minded, fake, selfish or whatever it might be that disturbs you, you do have a choice. It is when you get rid of mental distractions that your soul fully opens, and when that happens, you will be able to move mountains, please believe me on this one.
3. I drink a lot of water. Well another cliche, but a true one as well. We have all learnt since we practically were babies, that water is the key to health. It will make our skin glow, it will help to burn toxins out of our system and it is vital for the overall performance of your body. Here in the tropics it is easy to always have a bottle of water on hand as you desperately need it, but don't wait till you're thirsty to grab a glass of H2O. Try making it a natural routine to always have a bottle of fresh water close at hand. Water is life in so many senses, and it takes such a small effort from your side to refresh yourself with it.
4. I cook and eat healthy food. Well most of the times that is. Here in the tropics there are always easy ways to get fresh vegetables and fruits for a low price. I make sure to concoct our meals with as much vitamins and proteins as we possibly can get into a meal. And this ain't no boring food, mind you. I think it is very old fashion to believe that healthy food is boring food, as there are so many variations and options out there. I have also decreased my consumption of chocolate, unhealthy snacks and candy, because I have understood that every time I eat something or every time I'm about to put something into my mouth, I have a direct choice in going towards the right direction of getting to my dream body, or working against it. I most of the times elect to go towards what will make my body happy. This is also something that is much easier to obtain when your mind is clear and when you are living a fulfilling and joyful life. I said that all these things are connected, didn't I?
5. I do natural exercise. When living on a boat and traveling by the sea, it is very far between proper gyms'. In the beginning it might have been frustrating to find out that there aren't any spinning bikes to get a hold on on most of our travels across the world on the sea, but I have instead developed my own type of exercise that works good for me. Swimming is one, can't tell you enough how good it is for you. Again, this is good way of keeping many parts of yourself in shape. Your body will be happy with it when all of your muscles are working in great symbiosis. Your mind will feel good with it, because again, you are in connection to water, and water is life as far as I know of it. It is in water that I feel harmony, where I relax my mind and my soul and to be in touch with water gives me some kind of mystical strength and a greater appreciation for life. Added to my water training, I do sit-ups every second day to keep my abs in shape, I also make sure to give my ass some good training with classical donkey kicks and lunges, every second day or so. We are also out on excursions in the nature quite often, and walking and climbing are some of the best natural ways to keep your muscles in shape.
Like I earlier mentioned, these are only my own guidelines which are normal in my world, they might work for you or they might not, but perhaps it can give you some ideas of how to begin thinking when it comes to training and how your body reflects the state of your mind. Everyone of us can make at least some smaller improvements in their everyday routines of life, and almost every single one of us are the masters of our own mind, body and soul - remember that. Take advantage of that. And make the best out of what you have in your hands. We don't have to be extremely fit all of us, but at least we can make the best in making ourselves healthy and happy human beings. /Taru
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