I'm all into living a comfortable and stress-free life. Some (Alex) may claim it is partly laziness that is living within me, I prefer to call my philosophy "the right pace of living and enjoying life while avoiding as much obstacles as possible". I have simply made a calculation and understood that I rather spend the precious minutes of my life on things that I enjoy, than on things that gives me headache, stress, too much work or just stupidities in general. When it comes to food I, too, make my life as simple as possible. Don't get me wrong here. I love superb, qualitative food and also to prepare it - so some work there has to be put in it, but I do like to make it easy and comfortable, cutting out all extra work that is not needed, according to preferred standard. For example, I have became an expert in using leftovers and also to cook more than I need, in order to be able to use the leftovers for suitable meals for a couple of days after the main dish. On a boat - this, along with great plastic storage containers, is invaluable as you wish to make things easy and painless to avoid messing up that tight little galley space (and to clean it after) way too often.
This salad is a great example of "the day after meals" - that actually is made one day after the famous chicken burger I made the other day, which also means, two days after the original chicken meal I made to start with. From the leftovers that was generated, I have here turned it all into a delicious cous cous salad with chanterelles. And this is how you make it yourself:
Boil some water and follow the instructions on your specific cous cous package. Basically, you just boil some water with salt and olive oil. When it's boiling, add equally amount of cous cous as of boiling water - into the hot water, take it off from the stove, whisk it all gently, put a lid on and leave it to soak in for some five-ten minutes. While this is soaking, pan fry the leftover chicken you found in your refrigerator. Cut some red pepper, red onion, cherry tomatoes in petite cubes. Throw it all into a bowl, add the cous cous, some rucola, the hot fried chicken and don't you forget to also pan fry some chanterelles in butter and salt and throw them in the salad as well. Add salt, pepper. Done!
Now when I think about it, I should have added a dash of truffle oil into it as well, I'm sure it would have been the cherry on the pie.
Cous cous is, by the way, one of those things we will stock up a lot of for our Atlantic passage. A great substitute to pasta and rice and it is so very quick to prepare. Definitely gives some good change to all that pasta we'd probably eat on that long journey. And it goes terrifically well with fish and seafood, as well. /Taru
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