Don't worry if you can't find us on the SPOT tracker, the batteries are dead and we'll get new ones tomorrow. We've just arrived to Mar Menor, some miles South of Torrevieja and just before Cartagena. Looks like a beautiful place, although it was a bit thrilling to enter. Under a bridge and through a couple of channels linked to each other with a depth of 2 meters (6,5 foot) in the lowest part. It was a bit scary to maneuver the boat in strong wind and currents but Alex made it well just like expected and now we're here and it's time for a home made dinner and some nice wine (or me wine, Alex probably juice as he doesn't drink much wine and rarely alcohol in general. Did I tell you that nights like this always ends with me drinking the whole bottle and Alex's totally sober? Nice balance.) Cheers and good night. /T
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