Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Caribbean dogs

Look at my little hairy friend underneath my seat. He's resting here in the shadow on the open harbor café where I use to hang out with my laptop. Sometimes I have as much as three dogs under the same couch, making it impossible to put my feet on the ground. Sweet. On these islands there are dogs running around everywhere. In many areas, especially in St Lucia as what we've seen, the dogs are getting badly treated by local kids and elders who hit them hard and throw things on them when they pass them by on the streets. Some say it is a remaining behavior from inherited memories from the colonial times when the dogs were better treated and higher valued than the african slaves. The dogs were the ones who guarded the white men's sugar plantations and when slaves intended to flee, they were hunted down with dogs and got killed. The uncomfortable treatment of the dogs seen on the streets of today might hurt to observe coming from a Scandinavian/European country where dogs are our friends and family members, but I also understand that all things have their own reason and have to have their own natural cycle. Can't change deeply ingrained behaviors like those in one day. Here under my seat they are more than welcome though. /T

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