So I was really looking forward to get back to a natural blonde/light tone - but I can't seem to get there. The permanent black and/or dark brown dye which I have put into my poor hair month after month, year after year is refusing to let go of the lengths and the bleaching products you can find on these islands are way too ineffective and can't do almost nothing on the strong pigments on the black hair. For some reason they do not sell the hard core kind of bleaching stuff one can get a hold on in any supermarket in Scandinavia and so I am stuck here with this terrible mixed color. You might say I should go to a hairdresser but honestly I do not enough trust the island hairdressers to do it perfectly right, mainly because they are used to ethnic hair here and not to my fragile, ash colored Scandinavian - and also I am a sea gypsy now and want to be as self sufficient as possible. I need to take care of this shit myself. After three times of bleaching it with the bleaching products I've found here on these islands, this is now how my hair looks. Ok, the black is starting to get a bit lighter and slowly transforming into some kind of chocolate brown, and the roots (and ends) are now obviously too orange/yellowish and I should keep any bleaching creme out of them for a while in case I do not want it all to fall off. The question now is, should I continue treating the dark lengths with more bleach or what should I do. Any hair/color experts reading? What do I do with this fucking mess? /Taru
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