So I had some wine last night. I was so excited for the fact that we will be leaving from this beautiful island but quite boring anchorage/marina (where we've stayed for over a month now) very soon, so I had two (large) glasses of wine in less than 30 minutes and got so drunk that I almost fell asleep during a conversation. What a fucking amateur. Alex was happy though "You are so cheap to handle nowadays", he proclaimed. "Two glasses of cheap red wine compared to all the champagne, tequila and other bullshit you needed to get started when I met you for 1,5 year ago" - well, that might be true, I definitely don't have the same flow as before that's for sure. What happened? When did I grow up? Just for one-two-three years ago you could find me out dining, wining or partying 3-5 times per week from the most glamorous dining rooms on the planet to the darkest of underground clubs in Beirut, Berlin, Ibiza, Barcelona enjoying life with crazy beloved people from late nights to the early mornings and sometimes even longer and now it seems like such a distant time. The life of today is such an enormous contrary to how I lead my life before that I sometimes have hard to grip the reality and the transition in between. Alex might be extremely good for me, just like I am good for him for many different reasons, but sometimes I wonder how he did it. Did he hypnotize me or what happened, really? Did he somehow, discreetly force me into this beautiful salty rehab and how? How could we be able to change each others (extreme) lives so tremendously?
Just like one reader pointed it out, it is now time for me and us to define the difference between them two worlds - the true, important and fulfilling and the beloved nonsense - and balance them two in a comfortable way. That is probably the most difficult thing with this circumnavigation and this distant life we have chosen to live. The separation from the other side and the distance to the people involved in each of our previous lives. Being two quite extreme human being both of us, it is not always as easy as it might seem although we're learning to live with it.
Well, well... enough with philosophical ramblings about the balance of life for today. I better start practicing on the drinking part for the next few days to begin with so I don't end up wasting the party once in Antigua. And if any of you guys are there and you see us walking home around 10 pm, do not get surprised. It's just me failing in keeping myself awake, again. /T
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