Thank you all wonderful people for your comments and tips regarding my hair. Very nice hearing from you females, sometimes I almost forget there are women reading as the comment forms here usually are dominated by men. Please comment more often girls.
I know that it is very bad for the hair to bleach it but it is also not very healthy to treat it with black/dark dye as I've done for many years now. The thing is that I need to decolorize the hair once and for all and from there I can easily go back to my natural hair color. I'm sick and tired of having to deal with the color treatments every month so a bleach is the quickest way to have it all solved. And no, to leave it as it is is not an option, although that might have been the healthiest one. So today when we went to shop groceries in the small supermarket here in Les Saintes, I found what I've been dreaming of for weeks. It was very odd to find it there in between afro shampoo and coconut oil but there it was, waiting for me. Blue and yellow package reminding me of Sweden and all. And how in the world could one resist this something with the very suitable name Nordic Blonde? This package brought instantly back so many memories. Oh my how many of those I have put into my hair when I was 13-17 years old while listening to Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Anouk and Skunk Anansie in my messy teenage room, although the bleaching brand we used at that time was MOOD and not Schwarzkopf.
Wish me luck now and let's hope my hair doesn't fall off after the fourth treatment that I put my hair through in a very short period of time. And this time it is nothing but a hard core hydrogen peroxide totale that I will be dealing with. I'll keep you posted on the development. /T
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