Saturday, July 2, 2011

On blogging

Hey guys, thanks for your comments in last post, says Alex. I guess we both know that the blog will have to remain pretty much like it is, there is not too much of time and interest from Alex part as he mentions, although he has promised to take the time to post perhaps once or twice per month to give it all a new little twist.

This blog has never really had the intention of becoming a technical or not even a real cruising/sailing blog and even if many of you (men) out there would wish so, I'm afraid that you will have to turn somewhere else if that is what you are looking for. I personally have greater plans for this blog, my work, and in order to achieve that what I have invested a lot of my time in this for, we will need to continue quite similarly to how it first started, although I would love to have Alex sharing more of his personal thoughts (the non technical) here as well, but I can't really force him can I. Writing must definitely come out naturally, like any other creative pursuit. But do not despair, he has prepared another post and will be right back here in a short while with some of his thoughts concerning some of the questions and wonderings you had in the post below. Thank you all for your very descriptive comments.

We hope you all are enjoying your weekend. Here it's raining like never before so not much else to do than fixing stuff inside, training at the gym, reading and taking it easy.... quite boring if you ask me, but  we hope to be able to get back out exploring more of the island in a couple of days. Not much time left in Antigua now. /T&A

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