Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The scrumptious Caribbean Rum Cake - Win your own! (Tävling)

Having read raving reviews about the flavorful Caribbean rum cakes at many occasions now, particularly on the Caribbean guide Uncommon Caribbean, I have been dying to personally find out what all the fuzz was about. I have myself concocted my own cakes spiced up with rum a couple of times but never had the chance to try out the real traditional Caribbean versions before now. In Antigua, just like in most other Caribbean islands, they produce their local rum and also their local cake based on that very rum. I have not tried more than the Antiguan version thus far but it appears to me that they all are more or less based on the same type of basic sponge cake and it is then the local rum that is added that makes the whole difference. Some adds up a coat of nuts on top, some fill their cakes with less rum than others, but true is that the rum cake, just like the rum, plays a part in the culture of these tropical islands. Caribbean is the birthplace of rum after all, so no wonder. 

The Antiguan rum cake is filled with the traditional Cavalier rum, a sweet and quite mellow rum that I have came to appreciate during our two months here, so I was kind of expecting a quiet and mellow flavor with just a tiny bit of rum added, but after opening the package and carefully removed the cake from the plastic wrap I was instantly shocked by its strong rum scent. The fragrance reminded me of the scent that comes when you just opened up a bottle of your most favorite flavorful rum, intense and round. And when I had taken the first bite I realized how much rum there actually was hiding inside, the cake was literally dripping from it! We had planned to take just a small bite of the cake, as we couldn't resist but tasting it right before dinner, but there were no way we could've stopped our selves from eating it all in that second. It was so damn good in every way imaginable and the sweet and smooth taste of the cake made for an excellent mélange with the intense rum and the nutty cover that we had to devour it all until the very last crumbs. Needless to say, the dinner wasn't that important any more after that cake gluttony.

I'm glad to have tried out this thing now and I will most definitely continue my rum-cake exploration with as many other versions as I possibly can during our remaining time here in the different islands of the Caribbean. And just because I love you guys so much and you always (OK, most of the times) make me smile from the comments and emails you keep sending us, I would now like to give away not one but two of these cakes. The one shown on the picture is the smaller on 4 oz, but the give away cakes will be the normal, large size of 24 oz (680 gram).

The only thing you have to do to become one of the two happy winners of your very own Antiguan rum cake sent from us here in the Caribbean with a personal photo postcard added to it, is that you should help us spread the word about our journey. I'm sure there are plenty of more people out there who are willing to join our adventures and I would love to grow our little family here online, so in whatever way you are able to spread the word, that would be good enough for entering the competition. May it be a text and link in your blog (if you have one) or that you share our journey on your facebook wall, or that you add us on Twitter and tweet about our journey or whatever else way you can figure out to share our adventures. No participation is too small or too big and you share in the way you find suitable. It would also help if you are a friend of ours on Facebook, Bloglovin, Twitter and/or a follower here on Blogger so that we can follow your participation closely.

The competition is on until next weekend, Friday the 22nd of July, and we look forward to immediately after the drawing send these absolutely scrumptious cakes with a carrier straight home to the doorstep of two happy winners - with a personally written and photographed postcard included from Alex and me.

Let the game begin, and please send us a link or email on how you have shared our journey with your friends!

Tävling: För att vara med i utlottningen av en alldeles egen saftig, underbar, ljuvligt god rom-kaka från Antigua, är det enda du behöver göra att dela vår resa med dina vänner. Vare sig du skriver om och länkar till oss på din blogg (om du har en), på din facebook-vägg, twitter eller vad du än kan hitta på, så är det bra nog för att kunna delta i tävlingen om de två rom-kakorna som vi kommer skicka med ett personligt fotovykort från mig och Alex här i västindien. Lägg även gärna till oss som vänner på Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin och bli en "follower" här till höger för så att vi kan följa ditt deltagande på bästa sätt. Var vänlig informera oss om ditt tillvägagångssätt via en länk i din blogg eller via email och du är automatiskt med i tävlingen. Två vinnare dras den 22e juli. Lycka till!

Disclaimer: This competition is not sponsored by the product/brand, the cakes are bought and sent straight from us. The cakes comes in fully closed factory packed container with paper cover and plastic wrap inside of the cover to remain perfectly fresh and wonderful for their arrival.

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